Alternate "High, Medium, Low" Task Priority option
Please give us the ability to choose an alternate method of assigning priorities to tasks. Rather than creating a number hierarchy, this new alternate method would allow us to choose a more traditional priority hierarchy: High, Medium, Low.
I say an alternate method because I'm sure there are users that may be very fond of their number hierarchy system, so an alternative method as an option would keep everyone happy.
Geoff Mina
Geoff Mina
in progress
Geoff Mina
Jaclyn Ionin
yes!!! especially b/c the numbers auto-prioritize starting from the highest rather than the lowest, and that means you're just guessing at a high number for your top priority, whereas it's easy to choose 1 for the top priority and fill in as many other numbers below that. high medium low, and maybe even a few more to distinguish like URGENT! would be so much better!
I am looking forward to see this feature implemented.
Garrett Clawson
Agreed. I find it very confusing as is.
Amy Dudbridge
I'm very on board with this. I find the number system doesn't do much for me. I'd rather have a dropdown the same as the status dropdown, and then have the order automatically adjust by priority and then by status, rather than just by status as it is at the moment.
Following on from this I'd like to choose to show the highest priority tasks on the homescreen rather than bringing them through by deadline.
Amy Dudbridge: Great ideas!
Liam Carnahan
I would love this!
Here is a real-world example of why I'm requesting this. I'm currently creating several tasks (in one sitting) into a Backlog status for a new project. Let's say I create a total of 14 tasks (they are very specific and random so no way to automate these). Using the current priority method, I need to remember exactly what number I gave to all the previous tasks every time I create a new task if I want to make sure I am prioritizing properly. Sure, I could limit the priority number I give tasks from 1 to 3 or 1 to 4, but still, I have to remember that a task of priority 1 is actually the lowest in the hierarchy, which is weird to begin with. My mind logically thinks something with a priority of 1 is 1st priority, which it's not in this case, it's last. Too much to think about. I just want a nice little dropdown with, "High, Medium, Low" and an option to leave it blank for those tasks that have no priority.
Look at that lovely lil' screenshot below from one of my favorite task management apps. Now that's what I'm talkin' about. 😄😉