Invoice subtotals and line item discounts
Laura Townsend
I would like to be able to subtotal lines within an invoice, and apply a discount ($dollar amount OR percentage) to that subtotal or individual line items.
e.g. I may have one invoice where I want to discount one category of work on the invoice, but not another. And I may want to take off a dollar amount, not a percentage.
Right now my workaround is to add a line item with a negative dollar amount. But my accountant said that's not going to be tracked correctly. (I don't know if that's true or not.)
I require a flat deposit of $500 to start any work on a print design project, knowing that the customer will often later change their print order quantity or options while we work out details in the design process (designing for a printed item that will be shipped to the customer). But I will never be giving back the deposit, which is what covers my design time regardless if an item ends up printed at all. They may half the printed quantity. They may double the printed quantity. They may cancel the printing after they've approved the design. So working with a % deposit is very difficult, I absolutely need the $ amount deposit in order to get my Moxie functional. Thanks!
Agree.. I offer a specific discount on just one service for older customers. Need to show that the discount only applies to that item and not the whole invoice.
Peter Varnai
Agreed! :) a dollar amount option might be awesome!
Austin Morrow
Merged in a post:
Line Item Discounts on Invoice
Laura Townsend
I need to be able to
Take a percent or dollar amount off invoice line items.
It would also be nice to be able to sub total parts of the invoice then maybe give a discount to a sub totaled amount.
E.g. I may have 8 line items on one invoice. 5 are products and 3 are services. Maybe I want to subtotal the services and give a $200 discount. Or 15% discount.
Maybe one product is on sale and that is the only item I want to discount.
My workaround is to add a manual line item of a negative amount, but my accountant says this doesn't get categorized properly for bookkeeping purposes.
Right now I see where I can give a discount as a percent off the total only.
Jibby Bond
Yes! I think having the option for both % AND $ is very important