Phone Caller ID
Geoff Mina
Just FYI Caller ID only works on landlines and a few of the VoIP providers.
If you are calling your clients on their mobile device, they will almost never see a caller ID name - except for a few android phones running third party apps to look up caller ID.
Alison Waidell
Geoff Mina Good to know! our old VOIP did it, but I had no idea that it never came up to our clients' mobile phones. Thanks!!
Chrissy D'Amore Arnold
This is desperately needed! I feel like the business name showing in the recipient's caller id lends much needed credibility to any company.
Brook Lefkowitz
Yes please!
Hannah - kdLOVEco
Shelly Phillips
Looking for this as well.
Karan Chawla
This would be very useful.