See Rounded Up Time Worked
Jacki Garfinkel
Right now in the Time Worked section, I can see "total hours worked - it would be great if I could also see the rounded up total hours worked based on the rounding settings I have for each client. Currently I make a fake invoice in order to see that up rounded timing, and would love to not have to take that step.
Ruth Barrow
Yes! one featured I moved to Moxie for was to be able to see this, but now i realize you can't.
Agreed! I'm new to Moxie, but this is my biggest pain point so far. I have clients on contracts for XX hours per month, and the discrepancies between the "total hours" on the client screen, the "bookings" hours, and the hours on an invoice are confusing. (For example, 5:50 in total hours, 5.84 hours in bookings, and 6 hours on the invoice.) It would be great if the hours were consistent across all areas, driven by your settings, so there’s a single source of truth.
Jess Haskins
I also need this information because I pay my contractors based on the same rounding scheme I use to bill their and my time to clients—up to the next quarter hour per task per day—which is very difficult to do with Moxie's individual time entries and no access to the rounded time. With clients I can make a fake invoice, but there's no way to access each contractor's rounded time so they know what to invoice me and I can check what to pay them.
Grey Drane
Definite thumbs-up on this one!