Automations for client/project side of things
If Moxie would add automations for the client side, projects, not just opportunities/pipeline, that would rock my world and save me soooo much time! I spend 90% of my time working on the client side of things, not pushing people through a long sales pipeline. It only makes sense to be able to automatically send an email or bill or respond when someone fills out a project-related form. I’d pay double my yearly subscription if Moxie automations worked on the client/project side— having a change in a given project’s status firing an automation.
Chiara Broom
Yes please - I would love to schedule post-project follow up emails!
Paul Burns
Being able to set up automations such as: If task is marked done, then after X days, archive. If ticket is marked resolved, then after X days mark completed.
Petar Mihaylov
This will be a game changer!
TaKenya Hampton
I wanna vote for this 100 times. Because right now the automations don't work for me as most things I would want to happen and had in my previous platform are on the project/client side of things.
Biggi Boho
This would SAVE me SOOOOOO much time.
Becky Strohl
YES 100% agree
Along with this, I'd love to have the option to add default to-dos to project stages just like we can currently do within the pipeline, so that the default to-dos to appear within a project based on when it is moved to the next stage.
I'm frequently waiting on client responses. And I don't really want to load up my homebase or calendar with future project tasks too soon or constantly adjust the due dates of them.
Use case: Designing a product for print, client review process, getting it printed, packing and shipping, then following up with client.
But I don't want all those tasks and sub tasks sitting in homebase or even scheduled until previous steps are complete. I'd just be changing due dates all the time.
Emily Wilson
100% agree with this! Much of my process is based on the current stage of the project at hand - after discussing with Moxie and giving some work-around options, I am able to make the automations work for what I need, but there are several additional clicks/steps I must take now, instead of just changing the status/stage of my project. This feature would be a GAME CHANGER in Moxie!
Dane Zahorsky
As opposed to making a new thread request, I would add the ability to have note automations on the client/project side based on pipeline status, form submission, etc would be super useful. As in a note template that could include tokens that pulls information based on for instance, the value of the opportunity, date of creation, etc. To some extent just having the ability to pull in the activity section to notes so that someone could access quick info from the first tab instead of having to hunt to find it.
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Automations for task status change
Melissa Kelley
Hi! As we continue to flesh out pipeline automations, can we add an automation for changes in project task status?
An example would be this: "When task status changes to In Progress," email an update to the client."
Another example would be
"If client has not approved a task after X days, send a check-in email"
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