More filtering options for Dashboard > Focus?
Peter Frandsen
I almost never set a deadline or a start date for my tasks or projects (maybe). My assignments are mostly done one after the another in order as they come in. Therefore that "empty" focus screen does not help me at all (see example screenshot below).
Right now, I do not see whats next to do, since I've not set deadline etc. I have to have it in my head and that's the best way to miss stuff if you're getting stressed. I don't think I'm alone in this or everybody else is doing the work-around, and assign deadlines etc to every task they have...
So, could we PLEASE add another filter for the projects and tasks in Focus, like "Creation date", "start date" etc?
Susana Boey
I agree that the focus view needs to be more customizable, it feels like a trap when it tells me I’m all done but I know my plate is full! It would be great to have more flexibility for what it could show. For example, just because the due date isn’t in the next few days doesn’t mean it’s not what I need to be focusing on.
Peter Frandsen
It would help a lot by just adding the filter "Status" to the selection. This way you could easily find all new Tasks / Projects that you have to do.
By using the above (original post) suggested work-around by setting every Task to deadline "now" (the date of creation), will prohibit the times when you really need to set a hard deadline.
This should be prioritised on the list IMHO.