Error with Stripe Subscriptions when Products have different intervals
Jordanna Bubar
When creating a client subscription inside Moxie, if multiple subscriptions are added that have different recurring dates (ex. One renews per year and the other renews per month) the software allows the subscription to be made and sends the email to the client but the checkout link is just an infinite load screen. Have tested this multiple times with different variations and clients. As long as the product renewal intervals match the checkout link works, if they do not match it is an infinite load.
There is NOTHING in Moxie that indicates you cannot combine subscriptions with different recurrances. However, if I go directly into Stripe and create a Checkout Page to sell subscriptions it prevents me from adding subscriptions with different renewal periods. Which is how I figured out this was the issue with the integration. Moxie allows it but Stripe does not. The only way past this in Stripe is to manually "add a subscription" which automatically bills a card on file. Not sure if Moxie can utilize this work around or if you just need to prevent different renewal period products from being combined in a new client subscription.