Can BACS be added as a payment type?
Geoff Mina
We have added the option for "Bank Transfer" in the manual payment workflow.
This will be released in our next update on June 22nd(ish).
Geoff Mina
We are actively working with GoCardless to get approved for an integration. This would open up the BACS system in the UK as a payment option.
Not sure on what exactly the timeline is yet, but probably within a few months once we get approved.
Amy Dudbridge
Geoff Mina: any update on the Stripe BACS feature? When I originally posted this I was referring to the drop down that says how payment was received - could we have a BACS option in there along with the others as that's how I'm normally paid if it's not goCardless
Geoff Mina
Amy Dudbridge: What if we just added "Bank Transfer" as that would cover any type of bank-to-bank regardless of what country our users are in?
Amy Dudbridge
Geoff Mina: Sounds good to me Geoff!